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Archive for the tag “Banana”

Sipping memories

This afternoon, I leisurely drank two fingers of Malaga Virgen.  At Christmas my son and his little family brough me back a bottle after spending their vacations at their secondary home in Fuengirola.  We spent two scorching weeks there in August 2011 and a neighbour had given us a bottle of this divine elixir.

While sipping the nectar I could see the orange tree below our balcony

Then again, walking around the corner and to the street parrallel to ours we could come upon a banana tree complete with ripening bananas

A short walk away you came the bustling activity of la Plaza de Espana, seems every city has one

of course, get around a little and you will see the famous Bull, without the Bull, Fuengirola would not be Fuengirola.

And, visualizing the Bull, brought me to another place, the beaches and I could just smell the ubiquitous sardine smoking and BBQing boats strewn all along the 15 kilometers of beaches.

Is it not amazing what one can see in a wee glass of the proper medecine?

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